Hello, amazing readers! Hooray, you reached the Oasis ― it's great to have you here! This is the place to refresh your spirits, recharge your creativity, and get a literary mood boost! Now, stretch your smiles wide and get comfy and cozy for a nice chitchat because today we have another great creative on the KidLit Oasis series... Children's author Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum is here to share some wisdom, insight, and inspiration with us! Plus, check out the double giveaway, promo gifts, and other offers at the end of this interview. Welcome, Andria! Thank you for joining us on the blog. Please briefly describe your journey to publication. I decided I wanted to be a picture book writer when I was eleven. I still have the first book I wrote and unfortunately illustrated. Back then I also wanted to be an astronaut, an Olympic sprinter, or figure skater, a ballerina and an actress. (I've always been a bit of a drama queen!) While I was in high school I wrote over fifty songs and poems. I was still writing poetry in my twenties, but let go of my picture book dreams for a while because of all the rejections I received. I didn't think about picture books again until I had my four children. But I was so busy with my family I could only focus on writing poems and short stories for children's magazines. My first two children's books weren't published until I was in my early forties. My road to publication has been a long and winding one and I've given up many times. But in the end, not writing isn't an option for me. Writing is like eating a good meal. I would starve if I couldn't work with words. Q: What do you find most challenging in this business, either on the creative or publishing side of things? What do you find most rewarding? What helps you stay motivated? A: There are many challenges, both personal and professional that writers face. The most important thing for me to remember is to stay focused. It's so easy to get distracted by darling dog videos & heated Twitter debates. But it does nothing for my productivity. I find it crucial to block-out time just for writing, promotion, emails and reading. I need to be as organized as possible. I don't work well in chaos. While it's thrilling to sell a manuscript, it just makes me hungry for more. What truly satisfies me is hearing from readers, librarians and teachers. There's nothing better than seeing your book in the hands of a child. Learning to read and comprehend what I read was especially hard for me. Maybe this is one reason I find it gratifying to know that kids are enjoying my books. There's nothing more motivating than that. I also think it's important to keep growing as a writer even after you've sold books. The market is always evolving and I think it's vital for writers to keep challenging themselves. I do this through reading and taking writing workshops. I also count on my critique partners to push me far beyond where I might have thought I could go. ![]() Q: Could you share any craft tools or techniques that you find most helpful to you when working on a project? What does your revision process look like? A: The hardest part for me is getting that first draft down on paper. It's a matter of commitment and focus. An idea rises to the surface. I mull it over and brainstorm a bit. Then I write down as many notes as I can that resonate with emotion and story. Writing is a mind game. (Writer's block truly is all in your head!) I often promise myself a little treat if I get the job done. I'm also a hug fan of Elizabeth Gilbert's BIG MAGIC. I actually keep a copy of the book on my desk for motivation. The magic for me lies in revision. That's what I look forward to. That's what I love most of all. Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any new releases, exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? A: My latest picture book is BOATS WILL FLOAT, illustrated by Brett Curzon, published by Sleeping Bear Press. It was just released on March 15. I have some wonderful early memories of gliding in my grandparent's canoe on Candlewood Lake. This was the spark for this book. I wrote Boats as a follow up to TRAINS DON'T SLEEP, but my editor passed on it. My agent at the time kept submitting it till it was acquired. But within six months of being announced the book was cancelled. Fortunately, my agent sold it a second time, which was pretty amazing. It all turned out for the best because I couldn't be happier with Brett Curzon's incredible illustrations. He infused our book with life, humor, color and tons of fun! I'll be doing a number of readings in northern New Jersey to promote BOATS WILL FLOAT. Follow me on Twitter to find out where and when! Thank you so much for inviting me to share my process with you and your readers! Happy writing :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum: Website: www.andriawarmflashrosenbaum.com Twitter: @andriawrose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for being my guest, Andria, and happy writing to you as well! Dear readers, please support our featured authors/illustrators by following them on Twitter, requesting their book through your local library, posting reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and of course, purchasing their books. I hope you enjoyed this post and will be back for our next interview. Shares appreciated -- thank you! Comment on this post for a chance to win one of two copies of Andria's adorable book, BOATS WILL FLOAT. The two lucky winners will be announced next week! [U.S. only; copies will be mailed whenever it's safe to do so.] Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum fell in love with boats while floating in her grandparents' canoe on Candlewood Lake. She's never been in a dragon boat, but she's gone whale watching and been in a submarine. She plays with words from her home in New Jersey.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to support my work, please pre-order my upcoming book, SUNDAY RAIN
About Rosie J. PovaRosie J. Pova is a multi-published, award-winning children's author and kid lit Writing Coach. She's the creator of Picture Book Mastery System™ that is proven to help emerging children's writers advance their career and get closer to their publishing goals.
Rosie's latest picture book, Sunday Rain, was featured in The New York Times and recommended by Parents magazine. Her upcoming picture book, The School of Failure: A Story About Success will be released in the spring of 2022 in both China and the USA. Rosie also loves to visit schools and her interactive workshops empower students to unleash their creativity and grow in confidence through reading, writing, and creating. Teachers and librarians love Rosie for her bubbly, upbeat personality which captures students' attention, encourages them to think creatively, and motivates them to pursue big dreams. She has been featured on TV, radio, podcasts, and print media, and also speaks on women's and moms’ topics, sharing her journey from a Bulgarian immigrant to a published author. Find out more about Rosie's online courses, mentorships, and her work by visiting her website: RosieJPova.com Check out her Critique Services here, her Workshops here, and her school visits page here. Rosie is represented by Jackie Kruzie of Focused Artists. Twitter: @RosiePOV Archives
July 2024
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