Hello KidLit Oasis friends! I am so excited to be chatting with debut author Francie Dekker and to celebrate her upcoming picture book, Our World of Dumplings, illustrated by Sarah Jung! I hope you'll get inspired by her journey and find some takeaways that can be helpful to you on yours. :) And there's a giveaway, too! So, let's get to it! Welcome, Francie! Thank you for joining us on the blog. Please briefly describe your journey to publication. A: Everyone says publishing your first book takes a long time, and that’s the truth! I started researching and writing Our World of Dumplings back in 2017. Researching dumplings and deciding which ones to include in the book took the most time! Once I finished the original manuscript in 2018, I joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators to figure out how to find a publisher. SCBWI has so many resources including The Book - The Essential Guide to Publishing for Children. From there I determined that I wanted to go the traditional publishing route and started reaching out to literary agents. I eventually signed with Ariana Philips at Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency. Ariana sent out the manuscript to publishers and OUR WORLD OF DUMPLINGS was purchased by Little Bee Books in December 2020. The book will be published on September 6th, 2022, so from start to finish, it took about 5 years to publish! Q: Would you walk us through the experience of getting the news of your publishing offer? How long after submission did it happen? Were you aware that it went to acquisitions or was it a surprise? How did you get the news from your agent (email, phone call, text) and where were you/what were you doing when that happened? What was your immediate reaction? I'm always curious about how other authors experienced this particular moment of "The News" so, please give us all the juicy details! :) A: Great question! It was about 4 months after my agent had started showing the manuscript around. We had received positive feedback but no bites. On the morning of moving to a new house, I quickly checked my email while waiting for the movers to arrive. I was shocked to see the email from Ariana with news of the offer from little bee books. My husband saw the look on my face and asked what was wrong. I was speechless at first but finally managed to shout, "I got a book deal!" I was pregnant at the time with baby number two, but he bought a nice bottle of wine to celebrate the exciting book news after the baby came. Fast forward, with two toddlers we have yet to open the bottle, haha, but maybe we'll find a quiet moment to enjoy around the book launch! Q: What do you find most challenging in this business, either on the creative or publishing side of things? What do you find most rewarding? What helps you stay motivated? A: With my first title due out on September 6th, the thing I’m finding the most challenging lately is determining where to put my efforts during this book launch. There are so many potential things to do, and so little time. I’m very thankful for my publisher, Little Bee Books, supporting me during this process. Between book launch and two toddlers at home, the biggest challenge on the creative side of things has been finding time to write this summer. I’m constantly working to find balance between all these aspects and my goal this fall is to get back into a writing routine. Q: Can you share any craft tools or techniques that you find most helpful to you when working on a project? What does your revision process look like? A: I love the initial idea burst and getting all my thoughts down quickly, and then slowly, refining the story. I’ve learned/am still learning the joy and value in taking my time. I’ll write a draft then come back to it a week or month later with a fresh set of eyes. I try to let wonderful feedback from my critique group marinate before making changes. I’ll read a manuscript out loud to several people to hear how it sounds. It really is pleasurable to make a little tweak here and there and shape the story overtime. One great tool I find myself going back to often when revising a story is a webinar from Pat Zietlow Miller When Less is More: Cutting the Fluff to Find What You Really Want to Say. Q: What do you consider your biggest publishing career accomplishment so far? On the flip side, what are some of the things you'd like to accomplish in the next year from now? A: Successfully navigating the publishing industry and arriving at the launch of my first book, Our World of Dumplings, due out on September 6th. This time next year, I’d like to have a second book under contract :) Q: What is your vision for this book? What kind of impact do you hope it would have on readers? A: I love exploring, cooking and eating cuisines from around the world. In doing so, I realized how many cultures have their own variation on a dumpling. As a child, I never appreciated my family’s Polish food traditions. I was inspired to write OUR WORLD OF DUMPLINGS as a way to connect young readers to their food heritage, as well as to expose youth to similar dishes from around the world. While we may come from different places, and speak many languages, I believe the best way to get to know someone is over a plate of something delicious. Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any new releases, exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? A: After this book launch, I’m looking forward to working on my long list of story ideas that have been on the back burner this summer! For folks interested in attending the Our World of Dumplings book launch event, feel free to sign up for my newsletter or follow me on Instagram @franciedekker ![]() Francie Dekker is a children’s book author based in Southeastern Wisconsin. As contributing writer for Edible Milwaukee magazine, she wrote a quarterly “Kids Table” column that explored how gardening, food, culture, and youth intersect. In 2016, she received a Food Writing Fellowship from the Culinary Trust. Our World of Dumplings is her debut picture book. Franciedekkerbooks.com G I V E A W A Y! ! ! One lucky winner will receive a copy of Our World of Dumplings. Comment to be entered. You are invited to a picture book writers' retreat this fall!For more writing courses, mentorships, picture book critiques and other resources for kidlit writers, click HERE
Welcome back, Sharon! Thank you for returning to the KidLit Oasis as my guest—which means you liked my hospitality the first time ☺, but it also means you have a new book coming out that you'll be sharing with our readers! Congratulations! So, first, let me ask you this: I know that every book is special to its author in a particular way— how is this book special to you? Dear to your heart in a different way? What was the experience like, compared to the previous one? Is there an interesting behind-the-scenes about the idea for the story, its creation, an unusual journey to publication perhaps? What stands out? SG: Firstly, thank you Rosie for inviting me back on your blog. I am so happy to be here 😊. It has been almost two years since my first picture book BEDTIME, DADDY! was released. My second picture book GET READY, MAMA released this month, and I am very excited to see it in the world. This book is dear to my heart because it is a companion book for BEDTIME, DADDY! and I have wanted to see it published since 2018. GET READY, MAMA! is inspired by my daughter who is a reluctant riser and at age 15 I still have to wake up every day. BEDTIME, DADDY was inspired by my son who is a reluctant going to bedder, so it is really super to have two picture books inspired by both of my children. GET READY, MAMA’s journey to publication was an unusual one because I first sent it to my publisher, EK Books, in 2018, but although it went to acquisition it was not picked up (at that time). However, after my first book was released, I re-sent GET READY, MAMA! to EK Books and based on the sales from my first book, they agreed to publish it. Hooray! It just goes to show that you should never give up on your dreams. Q: And to piggyback on the questions above, did anything surprise you with this book or the publisher's approach to it (whether it was the same publisher or a new one)? Did you learn anything new? Was it harder or easier to bring it into the world? SG: The first big surprise was that although EK Books declined to publish GET READY, MAMA at first, they later agreed. Once the contract was signed it was definitely easier to bring this book into the world as I was familiar with the publication process. A debut author (and illustrator) has a lot to learn with their first book. I was able to enjoy the publication process more with GET READY, MAMA! because I knew what to expect. Q: When did you find out who the illustrator was for the project and were you asked for an input? What was it like working with the illustrator for this book? When did you first see the art and what was your reaction? SG: EK Book signs the author and illustrator up at the same time. So, before I even signed the contract, I knew Arielle Li would be illustrating GET READY, MAMA! They introduced me to Arielle (via email) and throughout the publishing process encouraged us to work together. Working with Arielle on our book was fantastic and I loved her style and the energy that she bought to our project. As well as how she skillfully and artistically matched my words to her illustrations. The first art that I saw from Arielle was the possible characters for the story. As a team we had to decide if we wanted the characters to be human or guinea pigs. Although the guinea pigs were super adorable, we all agreed that for this book the humans would be better. I am so pleased with the choice we made. Especially when you see the mama’s facial expressions throughout the book. EK books continued to ask for my input regarding the storyboard, cover design and book layout. It was definitely a team effort between myself, Arielle and EK books. Q: What do you hope to accomplish within the next 2-3 years? Any specific goals or aspirations—personal or writing related—that you could share with us? SG: I hope to create quality, heartfelt and humorous picture books that bring delight and happiness to children (and parents) from all around the world. As well as publish my speculative and adventure filled early middle grade books. A writing goal I wish to accomplish this year is to undertake a graphic novel course and write a graphic novel. I love learning about different forms of children’s literature. One day I may even develop my skills as an illustrator. On a personal level I want to travel the world with my family, and where possible meet the publishers and illustrators of my books. As well as the many writer friends I have ‘met’ online through the Kidlit writing community. There are so many places I want to see and people I want to meet. Maybe one day Rosie we will get to meet. Q: Aw, that would be wonderful, Sharon! I certainly hope we get to meet someday soon. :) Meanwhile, what's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any other exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? SG: 2022 is going to be a very exciting year for me 😊. Starting with the release of GET READY, MAMA! and a book launch in April at my local Literature Centre. I have signed a two-book deal with Dixi Books for my next two picture books, which are about taking a grandma shopping and a grandpa to the beach. So, once these books are published my picture book family will be complete. I also have an early middle grade book being released through Clear Fork Publishing about an eleven-year-old girl who is given a mysterious gift, which she uses to overcome obstacles and challenges. That's quite exciting, Sharon, congratulations again on all the success and your new projects! Thanks for stopping by--it was a pleasure chatting and celebrating your new book on KidLit Oasis! Best of luck to you with everything! :) Sharon Giltrow grew up in South Australia, the youngest of eight children, surrounded by pet sheep and fields of barley. She now lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband, two children and a tiny dog. Sharon has taught for all of her career. Previously a teacher of children who are hearing impaired and Deaf-Blind, she now teaches young children with Developmental Language Disorder. Her humorous debut PB, BEDTIME DADDY! released May 2020 through EK books. Sharon’s humorous follow up PB, GET READY, MAMA! Is due to be released through EK books in April, 2022. Her third and fourth PB, LET’S GO SHOPPING, GRANDMA! And LET’S GO TO THE BEACH, GRANDPA! are due to be released through Dixi Books in 2022 and 2023. SAMARA RUBIN AND THE UTILITY BELT, book one in Sharon’s early MG series – THE UTILITY BELT, will be released in 2022 through Clear Fork Publishing. With book two TOBY KING AND THE UTILITY BELT to follow. Sharon is also a Blogger for the Children’s Book Academy. G I V E A W A Y! ! ! Comment on this post to be entered into the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of GET READY, MAMA! Shae! Congratulations!!! In other news. . .
I had a great time visiting some schools last week! Teachers & Librarians, contact me to book yours HERE Now enrolling in my 10-week online writing course!
Hello, wonderful readers! Today, I am excited to revisit with author Beth Anderson who's returning to the blog with some beautiful new picture book titles! Welcome back, Beth! Thank you for returning to the KidLit Oasis as my guest—which means you liked my hospitality the first time ☺, but it also means you have a new book coming out (or books in your case!) that you'll be sharing with our readers! Congratulations! So, first, let me ask you this: I know that every book is special to its author in a particular way—how are these two books special to you? Dear to your heart in a different way? What was the experience like, compared to previous ones? Is there an interesting behind-the-scenes about the idea for the story, its creation, an unusual journey to publication perhaps? What stands out? BA: Thank you so much for inviting me to share REVOLUTIONARY PRUDENCE WRIGHT: LEADING THE MINUTE WOMEN IN THE FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE and FRANZ’S PHANTASMAGORICAL MACHINE! These are definitely two very different stories! FRANZ’’s story, based on Franz Gsellmann and his “World Machine,” was one of my early manuscripts. It grabbed the child in me who loved to tinker, putter, and build. A celebration of curiosity, it explores the power of wonder and challenges us to put aside traditional expectations and judgements. Just as Franz’s machine faced criticism before finally finding appreciation, my creation built with words faced rejection before someone appreciated it, too. It’s funny how every story ends up ringing with personal relevance! Lots of learning happened with Franz’s story—such an important part of my writing journey. This was the manuscript that interested agent Stephanie Fretwell-Hill in my writing. She “got it.” And FRANZ opened the door. REVOLUTIONARY PRUDENCE WRIGHT had a long journey, too. My attempts at a creative structure didn’t work. In addition, some missing details seemed to sap the strength of the story. That story waited in “the drawer” for a year while I struggled with how to write it. But in time I realized that the emotional truths were what powered Prudence’s story, and that thread didn’t depend on the missing details. I loved that her story offered a window into life behind well-known events like the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s Ride, and the battles at Lexington and Concord. The uniqueness of this untold story convinced me to take a historical fiction path using the most verifiable details and find a way to tell it. If we don’t tell a story because we can’t find every detail, then there are many important stories that will never be told. Researching her story, I connected to some local historians and discovered how her story was personal and continued to inspire people today. That helped me find the “heart” and a way to tell Prudence Wright’s story. Q: And to piggyback on the questions above, did anything surprise you with the books or the publisher's approach (whether it was the same publisher or a new one)? Did you learn anything new? Was it harder or easier to bring the books into the world? BA: FRANZ’S PHANTASMAGORICAL MACHINE is my first book with Kids Can Press. And REVOLUTIONARY PRUDENCE WRIGHT is my fourth book with Calkins Creek. Each publisher works a little differently, and I think each book offers different challenges in the publishing process. With FRANZ, I worked with several editors, and the story stalled a bit as we sought permissions. This was my first experience with the world of permissions—the machine can be seen as art, so would be copyrighted, and the story features the Atomium, a structure that requires permission for illustrations. PRUDENCE’s story brought new awareness when it was time to vet illustrations. When I wrote the story, I didn’t think about the potential challenges in illustrating a cast of 30 women. But when it was time to vet the art, the question of diversity came up. I was fortunate to find someone who dug into historical records and found African American and Native American families and women in the town of Pepperell. Every story stretches you in new directions and widens your awareness and thinking for the next one! Q: When did you find out who the illustrator was for the project and were you asked for an input? What was it like working with the illustrator for this book? When did you first see the art and what was your reaction? BA: For both books, I was consulted as editors considered who might illustrate. I’m always grateful for the editor’s skillset in choosing just the right illustrator who can bring a specialness that will enhance the text. With FRANZ, Caroline Hamel surprised me with her whimsical style and bright palette, making a story from the past thoroughly modern. She brought a playfulness and a European look which really makes the story sing. With PRUDENCE, Susan Reagan brought strength and beauty and a gorgeous palette. I was amazed by all the historical details and so delighted by her creative spreads that incorporated documents. And the dramatic spreads—Wow! I think my favorite part of the publishing process is seeing the sketches for the first time and then watching the art develop. The illustrations are always more than I had imagined! Q: What do you hope to accomplish within the next 2-3 years? Any specific goals or aspirations—personal or writing related—that you could share with us? BA: I don’t have any lofty goals. :) At this point in my life, I’m thrilled to be on this writing journey. I hope to keep on discovering ideas, people, and events to write stories that engage kids and open up their world, and also to be a positive part of the kid lit community. It’d be fun to write a middle grade novel and something really sparse and lyrical. In general, I’m looking forward to being WITH people, going on some traveling adventures, and hanging out with my grandkids. AND…I’m striving to grow a bumper crop of tomatoes! Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any other exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? BA: I’m excited about the next books in the publishing pipeline. I’m over-the-moon amazed with Jeremy Holmes’ illustrations for THOMAS JEFFERSON’S BATTLE FOR SCIENCE: BIAS, TRUTH, AND A MIGHTY MOOSE. Can’t wait to share that story! I have a couple others on the way that are unannounced so will have to stay mum on those. Thank you, Beth! As always, it was a pleasure chatting with you and featuring your amazing books on my blog! Wishing all the best with these titles, your upcoming projects, and all future stories you'll be bringing to life for young readers! Connect with Beth Anderson: Website: https://bethandersonwriter.com Twitter: @BAndersonWriter >>> Click in the book covers to purchase Beth's books <<<
G I V E A W A Y! ! ! Comment on this post to be entered in the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of your choice from the two titles above! Ashley Sierra! Congratulations!!! Hello, everyone! It's time to welcome another wonderful creative to the Chitchat series--author Nikki Bergstresser is here! I'm excited to learn more about her sweet picture book, LILA LOU'S LITTLE LIBRARY that was just released from Cardinal Rule Press, and I'm also curious to know what Nikki's journey to becoming an author was. In addition, Nikki's lovely publisher is kindly giving away a copy of the book to one lucky winner, so make sure you enter! (Details at the end of the interview.) Welcome, Nikki! Thank you for joining us on the blog. Please briefly describe your journey to publication. NB: Throughout my elementary teaching career, I often incorporated my love for writing into the classroom. Whether it was writing poems for special occasions like Grandparent’s Day or creating scripts for Christmas concerts, it kept my creative energy flowing to use what I wrote with my students. When I left the classroom to have children of my own, my writing took a back seat for a while, but it was replaced with the joy of reading countless books to my daughters throughout the years. I remember sitting at a coffee shop with friends sharing that I wanted to pursue my writing in a more serious way. Folks, find yourself friends who cheer you on in your writing journey! I can’t say it enough about the importance of having cheerleaders when pursuing your dreams. So with the encouragement of friends and family, I began to write. I researched writing for children, learned about the writing community and even joined Twitter. Then I got the news my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I was provinces away and felt discouraged with how I could be of support to him, but one day an idea came to me. My dad loved to write, too. In fact, he shared his love of words with me ever since I was little. So I collected small, flat stones and painted a meaningful word onto each stone along with a tiny flower. There was one stone for each day of his cancer treatments. I packaged up the stones and mailed it to him. Each morning he chose a stone and that would be the word he would focus on for the day. During this time, I wrote and wrote. It was a difficult season for our family. SEASONS FOR STONES, my debut picture book with Brandylane Publishing, came out years later, based on the idea of what I had shared with my dad. Oodles of rejections, lots of tears and then the offer of publication. Mailing the book to my parents for them to hold was something I will never forget. During that time, I had also worked on many other manuscripts. When submitting and waiting, be encouraged to... “just keep writing, just keep writing”. There was one story in particular, I had worked over a lot. It was my manuscript that had gone through the most changes. Cardinal Rule Press had open submissions. One year before I had submitted to them and received the kindest of rejections. I spent more time looking through their website to make sure I would submit my best manuscript to align with their publishing focus. I submitted right before their submissions’ window closed. One month later, Maria Dismondy offered me a publishing contract for LILA LOU’S LITTLE LIBRARY. I’m counting down the days until my picture book with Cardinal Rule Press is released. It’s about a spunky girl who loves to read, but her house is filled to the brim with too many books and she needs to make an important decision. Lila Lou dreams big, creates a plan, gets to work and takes action to make it all happen, all while sharing from her heart and connecting the community. As soon as I saw Sejung Kim’s illustrations, I loved the vibrant colors she used in her storytelling and how she brought out Lila Lou’s character. Did I mention the cover has glitter? The best surprise was when I opened the box with my copies of the book. I’m a sucker for anything with glitter! I'm beyond grateful to the entire team of Cardinal Rule Press, including the previously published authors. I was warmly welcomed into the CRP family and the enthusiasm they have shown towards Lila Lou’s Little Library, has touched my heart. It has been such a time of valued learning and growth for me. Q: What do you find most challenging in this business, either on the creative or publishing side of things? What do you find most rewarding? What helps you stay motivated? NB: The author's journey requires that we wear many hats! There’s so much more than just writing. It’s working on your current project, keeping track of queries/submissions, revising other manuscripts, supporting the kidlit community with reviews and critiques, posting relevant content on social media to connect with readers, professional growth by listening to podcasts for writers or attending conferences and continue to market upcoming and past publications. As well, many of us have other jobs. It’s all wonderful things! For me, the most challenging aspect is finding that balance between my author role, online classes I teach and my precious family. I’m learning more and more that I need to be intentional when blocking out my weekly schedule. I can’t just say, “When I have time.” I need to make the time by scheduling the time. It’s my autumn goal. After all, pumpkin spice lattes go perfectly with creating organized schedules, right? One of the most rewarding aspects in the author role for me has been the support from the kidlit writing community. When I started traveling this road, I printed out a sticky note to put on my wall above my computer that says ABC...Always Be Connecting. Intentional and authentic connections with children’s writers has been a gift I have cherished these past couple of years. Writing can be lonely. Walking alongside others who are also traveling this path gives us encouragement, hope and motivation to journey on. They know how hard it can be and how sweet it feels when success arrives in various shapes and sizes. Look to celebrate the small successes as well as the momentous ones. This past year, I gathered together a group of authors who have picture books releasing over the next couple of years. Our group is called Picture Book Pals and we meet monthly online to chat about all things author related. You can find us on Instagram and Twitter for all our upcoming book news and celebrations. Q: Could you share any craft tools or techniques that you find most helpful to you when working on a project? What does your revision process look like? NB: Music motivates me. When I’m working on a specific project, I love to create a playlist. It helps me to find the mood in my writing piece by choosing certain songs to listen to while I write, revise or just go for a walk to think about the project while listening to the music. I’m all about the feels. Nature nourishes me. I take my folding chair, laptop, venti coffee, and head out to one of my favorite places beside a gurgling stream and large cedar trees to write. Also make sure if you have a venti coffee and sit by a gurgling stream you also have access to a washroom….I’ve learned from experience! Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any new releases, exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? NB: When Lila Lou’s Little Library comes out October 1, it will be going on a social media tour. Follow along with me on Instagram, you will see Lila Lou’s travels! As well, my family loves building with Lego. With the help of my family and the planning of a talented Lego friend, I just completed a Lego mosaic of Lila Lou’s Little Library book cover that stands over 3 feet tall. I will be taking it to author signings and have it on display behind me for virtual author visits. Join me October 1 when Cardinal Rule Press hosts my virtual book launch and live reading of my book. Classes, authors, and everyone who loves books can sign up: https://cardinalrulepress.lpages.co/october-virtual-book-launch/ Thank you, Nikki, for being my guest. That mosaic looks amazing, and I loved learning about your journey. Wishing you the best of success with LILA LOU'S LITTLE LIBRARY and all future projects as well! Readers, please support our featured authors/illustrators by following them on Twitter, requesting their book through your local library, posting reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and of course, purchasing their books. Connect with Nikki: Website: www.nikkibergstresser.com Twitter: @NBergstresser IG: @nikkibergstresser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click on the book cover to order a copy Nikki Bergstresser is an educator and children’s author of Seasons for Stones (illustrated by Kelly O’Neill) and Lila Lou’s Little Library (illustrated by Sejung Kim) releasing Oct.1/21. When not writing, she teaches online book clubs and writing classes to learners in grades 3-7. Nikki makes her home on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada with her husband and two teen daughters. Nikki’s best day has her lost in nature, coffee in hand and a good story to share. G I V E A W A Y ! ! ! Leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway. (US and CAN only, please) *Social media shares are appreciated. Jany Campana! Congratulations!!! ![]() My review: Booklovers everywhere will love Lila Lou and relate to her predicament--there's no more room for books! What's an avid reader to do when her piles of books seem to be overtaking the house? There's only one solution and Lila knew just what to do before yet another pile of books came tumbling down. As Lila Lou gets to work, a very special library is born. Now, all the books can be shared with everyone, and Lila can find new books to read, too, without creating a bigger space problem. This is a sweet story that will appeal to bookworms and book collectors alike. Welcome back, KidLit Oasis fans (and future fans)! I am so excited to chat with a wonderful author today--Charlotte Offsay is in the house, and I cannot wait to hear about her journey, her amazing books, and what advice she has for writers! (Spoiler alert: Charlotte shares a fantastic revision checklist you don't want to miss.) Plus, she's generously giving away a copy of her new picture book, HOW TO RETURN A MONSTER. Find out how to enter for a chance to win this adorable book at the end of the interview. Besides being an amazing author and a lovely person, Charlotte is also a passionate supporter of the kidlit community, highlighting picture books on her Instagram account @pictirebookrecommendations so make sure you follow her there. Okay, let's hear it from my awesome guest... Welcome, Charlotte! Thank you for joining us on the blog. Please briefly describe your journey to publication. A: I have always had a passion for books and creative writing, but becoming a published author always felt like a far-fetched dream and was something I fantasized about but never actually took any steps toward. That all changed after my children were born. I love reading to them and after an afternoon of baking with them I began writing a rhyming how-to story for them based on our weekly challah baking tradition. I loved the entire process of writing that story for them, and when an instructor of a parenting group I was in at the time encouraged each of us to sign up for a class or spend some time doing something that was just for us – something outside the responsibilities of our families – I jumped at the excuse to sign up for my very first writing class. I took an online introduction to writing picture book class through UCLA extension, and fell head over heels for all things picture book. The more I learned the more obsessed I became. I spent the next few years taking classes and attending conferences. I joined various kidlit groups such as SCBWI, 12x12 and Inked voices and met my very first critique partners and felt at home in the kidlit community. I signed with my agent, Nicole Geiger of Full Circle Literary in early 2019. Nicole is fantastic - she is my biggest advocate, she pushes me, she questions me, she guides me, believes in me and makes me a better writer. Together we have sold three picture books including How to Return a Monster which I am excited to be sharing more about today here on this blog! How to Return a Monster is a humorous how-to story about a girl who can't believe it when her parents bring home a fussy, stinky, attention-stealing monster. She hatches a plan to send it back to where it came from, with hilarious results . . . and along the way, she learns that maybe monsters--and baby siblings--aren't so bad after all. It is illustrated by Rea Zhai and publishes with Beaming Books on September 7, 2021. Q: What do you find most challenging in this business, either on the creative or publishing side of things? What do you find most rewarding? What helps you stay motivated? A: I think the most challenging part of this business for me is the waiting. I am not a naturally patient person and there is a lot of waiting - from waiting to hear back on queries, to waiting to hear back from editors, waiting for your book to be announced/illustrated/published etc. I decided long ago that in order for me to handle the waiting I needed to celebrate every step, even the small ones. Staying positive and celebrating the steps along the way helps me to keep creating even in those extremely quiet periods that I find so difficult. The most rewarding part of this business is definitely the writing community. The kidlit community is such a wonderfully warm and welcoming place. From the very beginning strangers went out of their way to help me learn the ropes, figure out which classes to take, which blogs to read, which mentor texts to get my hands on – all because of our shared passion for picture books. I have made some of my closest friends through the kidlit world, they understand me and support me and I am so grateful for how full they make my life. I am fortunate to have an incredible support network to help me stay motivated. There is a lot of rejection in this business and it takes a thick skin to keep going. My critique partners, my children and my husband are my biggest cheerleaders and supporters and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. Q: Could you share any craft tools or techniques that you find most helpful to you when working on a project? What does your revision process look like? A: When I first began writing I used to pour over the pages of craft books such as Ann Whitford Paul’s Writing Picture Books. I used those craft books and picture book classes I was taking at the time to create a picture book evaluation form which I utilized as a revision tool. Here are a few of the categories as an example:
I didn’t need to check every box on this revision sheet, but I found it helpful to think about and be purposeful about each of these areas as I revised. These revision questions have become engrained in my head and while I no longer pull out my self-made handout every time I revise I often find myself thinking about these questions whenever I create a new manuscript or critique someone else’s. Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any new releases, exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? A: I am excited to share that my next picture book, A Grandma’s Magic, illustrated by Asa Gilland publishes on March 1, 2022 from Doubleday Books for Young Readers/Penguin Random House. Description from my publisher: "When a child is born, a grandma is born too. Grandmas aren't like regular grown-ups. Grandmas are filled with magic." In this charming picture book tribute to grandmas, a grandma's magic bursts through the door as soon as she comes to visit and can be seen in every wonderful thing she does: playing, exploring, baking, gardening, and in all the many ways a grandma and grandchild connect. Filled with adorable scenes featuring a diversity of grandmas and their grandkids, this is a book that will families can enjoy together. Grandmas will love snuggling with their grandchildren as they share their love and "magic" through cuddles, kisses, and many repeat readings. Congratulations on all your success, Charlotte! It was a pleasure chatting with you! Thank you for being my guest, and I hope that you'll return to KidLit Oasis with your future books. I'm so happy to support your work and look forward to your upcoming titles as well. Connect with Charlotte Offsay: Website: www.charlotteoffsay.com Twitter: @coffsay IG: @picturebookrecommendations Click on the book cover to order a copy of HOW TO RETURN A MONSTER CHARLOTTE OFFSAY was born in England, grew up in Boston, and currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two small children. Through her work, Charlotte hopes to make children laugh, to inspire curiosity, and to create a magical world her readers can lose themselves in time and time again. Charlotte is the author of The Big Beach Cleanup, illustrated by Kate Rewse (Albert Whitman, 2021), How to Return a Monster, illustrated by Rea Zhai (Beaming Books, September 2021), and A Grandma’s Magic, illustrated by Asa Gilland (Doubleday Books for Young Readers, March 2022). G I V E A W A Y ! ! ! Comment on this post for a chance to win a copy of HOW TO RETURN A MONSTER. (US shipping only, please) *Social media shares are greatly appreciated! Welcome back to KidLit Oasis, everyone! I hope you all had a great summer and that you're excited about fall. I have so many fabulous guests lined up and giveaways planned for you, I cannot wait to spread all the excitement! I am happy to be back as the new blog season is finally here, and we're kicking it off with a fun celebration. My guest, Author Henry Herz, is stopping by to talk about his latest picture book release, I AM SMOKE. Today is extra special, too, because it's the book's birthday! Hooray! Congratulations, Henry! Okay, I can't wait to hear what Henry has to share with us and I'm ready to get the scoop on this book which is already making a splash. So, let's get started... Welcome, Henry Herz! Thank you for joining us on the blog. Please briefly describe your journey to publication. A: Years ago, I wanted to share my love of fantasy with my young sons. They were too little for watching most of the fantasy movies. Struck by inspiration one day, I came up with a way to share the joy of entering the magical realms of fantasy. I would write a fantasy book for them. That decision had two unintended consequences. First, I did not anticipate was that my boys would give me feedback on the story. They devised some of the character and creature names, and made plot line suggestions. And who better to help make the story appealing to kids than other kids? So, the goal of interesting my sons in fantasy transformed into also encouraging them to write. Second, I discovered how much I loved writing for kids. We ended up self-publishing that book. I was hooked. I joined SCBWI, joined a critique group, and kept honing my writing until I sold my first picture book, MONSTER GOOSE NURSERY RHYMES to a traditional publisher, Pelican. I kept at at and continue working on my writing skills. I AM SMOKE will be my tenth traditionally published picture book. In the last couple of years, I have written two middle-grade novels (on submission) and a number of adult short stories in the fantasy, science fiction, and even horror genres. Q: What do you find most challenging in this business, either on the creative or publishing side of things? What do you find most rewarding? What helps you stay motivated? A: I suppose it's a tie between the pain of waiting and the agony of rejection. Those of you who are not authors may not be aware that authors endure a potentially soul-crushing amount of rejections. Even short stories and books eventually bought by a publisher may suffer multiple rejections from other publishers first. Authors must develop a thick skin and recognize that a rejection is not necessarily a critique of their writing. A publisher may decline a manuscript because they already have something like it, or the topic is not suitable for their current needs, or they don't feel there's sufficient market potential. Waiting to hear back is another challenge of being a writer. Whether you're submitting directly to a publisher, or querying an agent, you can be facing a wait of weeks, months, or even years. Yes, I once got a rejection years later, after I'd already sold that manuscript (and a second one) to another publisher. Waiting is an unavoidable part of the game. The trick is to distract yourself by staying busy—write more stories or novels in the mean time. As for what is most rewarding, it's a three-way tie—this time between the thrill of getting a signed contract from a publisher, seeing a illustrator bring my story to life, and receiving artwork drawn by young children inspired by my book. We don't do this for fame and fortune. We do this to bring smiles to kids' faces and to inspire them. Q: Could you share any craft tools or techniques that you find most helpful to you when working on a project? What does your revision process look like? A: For writing novels, there are two resources I really find helpful. SAVE THE CAT WRITES A NOVEL by Jess Brody is a novel-centric adaptation of the screenplay-focused original, SAVE THE CAT by Blake Snyder. Jess analyzed how the beats of successful novels are organized. Her book provides a template, a starting point, which was invaluable when I had never before written a novel. It helps you create an engaging story arc, with good pacing and tension. Another excellent resource for writers is WRITING THE BREAKOUT NOVEL HANDBOOK by Donald Maass. It asks the author a number of questions to help you flesh out and better understand your own characters. My revision process is straightforward. I share my first draft with a critique group, consider their feedback, and update my manuscript based on which advice I choose to take. Once the manuscript has been run through the “meat grinder” of one or two critique groups, then I share it with beta readers to get their perspectives. Outside pairs of eyes are so valuable, because the author unavoidably has blinds spots. What is clear to us may not be obvious to most readers. What is funny to us may not work for readers. The process is akin to sculpting. We go over our manuscript again and again, striving to create an engaging story arc featuring characters who feel real and fully fleshed out. The dialog, thoughts, and actions of the characters as they face challenges and transform in a meaningful way must evoke emotion that drives the reader to keep turning pages. Q: What's coming up for you next? Please tell us about any new releases, exciting news, upcoming events or anything else you'd like to share with our readers? A: My creative nonfiction picture book from Tilbury House, I AM SMOKE, launched September 14, 2021. Upcoming events and book launches include: -Moderating a DragonCon panel with actors from Netflix's Norsemen series. -Launching my contemporary magical realism early chapter book, THE MAGIC SPATULA from Month9 Books. -The middle-grade #ownvoices anthology from Albert Whitman & Co., COMING OF AGE: 13 B'NAI MITZVAH STORIES, will feature my sci-fi/humor short story, Bar Mitzvah on Planet Latke. -The adult horror anthology from the Denver Horror Collective, THE JEWISH BOOK OF HORROR, will feature my short story, Demon Hunter Vashti. -The young adult horror anthology from Blackstone Publishing, THE HITHERTO SECRET EXPERIMENTS OF MARIE CURIE, will feature my short story, Cheating Death. -Highlights for Children has purchased two of my stories, but I don't know when those will come out. See topic of patience above. Thank you so much, Henry -- it was a pleasure to have you as my guest! Best of luck on your journey, congrats again on all of your success, and I look forward to your future projects! Readers, please support our featured authors/illustrators by following them on Twitter, requesting their book through your local library, posting reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and of course, purchasing their books. I hope you enjoyed this interview — join in the celebration and leave us a comment. Social media shares are greatly appreciated. Thank you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with Henry Herz: Website: https://www.henryherz.com Twitter: @HenryLHerz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To purchase IAM SMOKE click on the book cover Henry authored 11 traditionally published books for children: MONSTER GOOSE NURSERY RHYMES, WHEN YOU GIVE AN IMP A PENNY, MABEL & THE QUEEN OF DREAMS, LITTLE RED CUTTLEFISH, CAP'N REX & HIS CLEVER CREW, HOW THE SQUID GOT TWO LONG ARMS, ALICE'S MAGIC GARDEN, GOOD EGG AND BAD APPLE, 2 PIRATES + 1 ROBOT, THE MAGIC SPATULA, and I AM SMOKE. Henry Herz authored over 25 traditionally published short stories, including for Daily Science Fiction, Blackstone Publishing, Albert Whitman & Co., Highlights for Children, and Ladybug Magazine. He edited three anthologies: BEYOND THE PALE, COMING OF AGE (Albert Whitman & Co., MG #ownvoices), and THE HITHERTO SECRET EXPERIMENTS OF MARIE CURIE (Blackstone Publishing, YA horror). ![]() Welcome back, everyone! Today, I'm introducing a new picture book to you, Milo's Moonlight Mission, by Kahleen M. Blasi, illustrated by Petronela Dostalova, that will be released from Yeehoo Press on 6/15/21. You will also get a chance to win a copy, so make sure to enter the giveaway! PART 1: The Review PART 2: The Interview (Come back next Tuesday for my chat with the author, Kathleen M. Blasi!) Here's my review . . . Milo is ready for an important space mission, but his Second-in-Command (a.k.a. Mom) did not report to the ship on time. What's taking her so long? Well, there's work to be done first. Milo is patient and tries to help, too. All done! Is it time for the mission now? Not yet. It's dinnertime. No one can fly to the Moon on an empty stomach! Again, Milo helps his mom prepare a good meal and clean up afterward. As it gets late in the evening, launch seems unlikely. Just before Milo heads off to bed, he hears about a huge meteor shower on the news, and now his space mission becomes more important than ever! But it has to wait until the morning. Something big like this is not to be missed! Milo is tossing and turning in bed, then he decides to do everything that he can to get ready for the event. And when Captain Milo and his Second-in-Command finally accomplish their mission, amid the spectacular show they witness together, an out-of-this-world memory is created. This sweet, lyrical story will launch space enthusiasts into an adventure and keep them captivated! Milo's imaginative play and kindness will have readers rooting for him while following his mission to completion. As Milo marks it accomplished, he discovers that patience, planning, and being prepared do pay off in the end. The bright illustrations in bold, contrasting colors complement the story quite well, adding additional layers of child play in the art that kids will relate to. * * * A peek inside the book . . . >>> Order your copy HERE <<<
From the Publisher: Key Selling Points: Emotionally Resonant: A heartwarming tale of a parent and a child struggling to find quality time together – a challenge with which many parents and children can identify. Adorable Space Setting: With a playful, expressive setting, this book is perfect for space fans and young budding astronauts. Vivid, Atmospheric Storytelling: Children will love how much this midnight adventure feels like a real mission complete with a spaceship—and will wish that they could journey to the world beyond. A Clever Combination of Fiction and Non-Fiction: Interwoven in the fiction text are unique facts about meteor showers. Educational back matter offers opportunities for discussions about cosmic phenomena. Description Outer space is there for exploring, and Captain Milo is ready for takeoff! If only he didn’t have to wait for his Second-in-Command—or as he also calls her, Mom—to report for duty. Yet Mom’s list of daily tasks grows ever longer, and she can’t launch until they’re done. So, like any good captain, Milo offers to help! Work? Check. Dinner? Check. Cleanup? Check. When the weather forecast predicts a middle-of-the-night meteor storm, Captain Milo wants desperately to witness it. But will his Second-in-Command have enough time to accomplish this magical mission with him? In lyrical prose and charming illustrations, Kathleen M. Blasi and Petronela Dostalova capture how the most spectacular night skies are revealed when we plan for the perfect moment—with loved ones by our sides. This heartwarming tale is perfect for space fans and young budding astronauts! ................................................................................................................................................................. Author Bio: Kathleen Blasi writes books for young readers, including Hosea Plays On (illustrated by Shane W. Evans), A Name of Honor, and Are Organized Sports Better for Kids than Pickup Games? Active in the children’s writing community, Kathleen has served as Co-President of Rochester Area Children’s Writers & Illustrators and is former Co-Director of the Rochester Children’s Book Festival, for which she and her Co-Director received the 2015 New York State Reading Association Literacy Advocate Award. Kathleen lives in western New York, where, along with writing, she enjoys fostering the curiosity of young storytellers. Visit her at kmblasi.com. Illustrator Bio: Petronela Dostalova graduated from the Cambridge School of Art with a MA in Children’s Book Illustration. Before the MA she was studying Fine Arts at the University of East Anglia. In 2015 her children’s book The Reds and Greens was highly commended for the Creative Conscience Award. The project promoted equality. Petronela comes from a Czech-Slovak-Hungarian background but decided to nest into the heart of Suffolk where she currently lives and works with her partner and their dog Haribo. If you don’t find her drawing at her desk, she will be out traveling or cycling somewhere. She likes to be near, in, on, or underwater at any time of the day except when she is drawing–she is still working on a way to be able to do these things at the same time. Visit her at https://www.petroneladostalova.co.uk/. G I V E A W A Y ! ! ! Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Milo's Moonlight Mission! Congratulations to Marylyn Dewease for winning a copy of MILO'S MOONLIGHT MISSION!
About Rosie J. PovaRosie J. Pova is a multi-published, award-winning children's author and kid lit Writing Coach. She's the creator of Picture Book Mastery System™ that is proven to help emerging children's writers advance their career and get closer to their publishing goals.
Rosie's latest picture book, Sunday Rain, was featured in The New York Times and recommended by Parents magazine. Her upcoming picture book, The School of Failure: A Story About Success will be released in the spring of 2022 in both China and the USA. Rosie also loves to visit schools and her interactive workshops empower students to unleash their creativity and grow in confidence through reading, writing, and creating. Teachers and librarians love Rosie for her bubbly, upbeat personality which captures students' attention, encourages them to think creatively, and motivates them to pursue big dreams. She has been featured on TV, radio, podcasts, and print media, and also speaks on women's and moms’ topics, sharing her journey from a Bulgarian immigrant to a published author. Find out more about Rosie's online courses, mentorships, and her work by visiting her website: RosieJPova.com Check out her Critique Services here, her Workshops here, and her school visits page here. Rosie is represented by Jackie Kruzie of Focused Artists. Twitter: @RosiePOV Archives
July 2024
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